Living in Community

How can we take better care of ourselves and others as believers in 2025? Your church leadership has invited Dr. Tanya R. Cochran, a Communication and English professor at Union Adventist University, to conduct a seminar series titled "Living in Community."

This series will focus on addressing, navigating, and healing from conflicts with the aim of increasing community care. It offers invaluable insights for anyone eager to strengthen leadership skills, improve family and professional relationships, and cultivate a supportive community environment. Each session will draw the Bible, inspired writings, and current research in communication theory and practice.

The first session is scheduled for Sabbath afternoon following the potluck.

February 15, 2:00 - 3:30 PM: Session 1
What is Self-Compassion and Why Do We Need It?

Date to be announced: Session 2
Essential Interpersonal Skills: Empathy, Compassion, and Respect

Date to be announced: Session 3
Boundaries: What’s Okay and What’s Not?

Date to be announced: Session 4
When You Know Better, Do Better: Authentic Apologies and Making Amends